ORA-01460 unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested
Cause: The requested format conversion is not supported.
Action: Remove the requested conversion from the SQL statement. Check the syntax for the TO_CHAR, TO_DATE, and TO_NUMBER functions to see which conversions are supported.
Click here to visit Oracle Documentation for ORA-01460
Recently I faced ORA-01460 in one of our production environment. It was really a cryptic kind of the error message, as my code was fairly simple, following is the modified copy of that..
ORA-01460 was coming at the line where I am using decode, device_data_responses.request_xml was also of varchar2(4000) datatype.
After spending some time to debug ORA-01460 on my testing machine, I found that reason behind ORA-01460 is that I was using the p_request_xml parameter in my SQL query, and because it's was PL/SQL parameter it was defined as being the max size of a PL/SQL varchar2 which is 32767 bytes, which mismatch device_data_responses.request_xml which has length limit of 4000 characters.
As per the SQL manual about the DECODE function "The string returned is of VARCHAR2 data type and is in the same character set as the first result parameter". Here the first result parameter is p_request_xml which was varchar2 potentially with more than 4000 characters and other was device_data_responses.request_xml which has length limit of 4000 characters. So I was facing "ORA-01460 unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested"
Lets try to reproduce ORA-01460 with an simple example:
So keynote here is to check the length of data coming in PL/SQL varchar2 parameter before using it with other varchar2 variables/columns which have lenght limits. Otherwise it may lead you to ORA-01460.
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- ORA-01723: zero-length columns are not allowed
- ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long
- ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value errorstring
- ORA-01722: invalid number
- ORA-01403: no data found
Cause: The requested format conversion is not supported.
Action: Remove the requested conversion from the SQL statement. Check the syntax for the TO_CHAR, TO_DATE, and TO_NUMBER functions to see which conversions are supported.
Click here to visit Oracle Documentation for ORA-01460
Recently I faced ORA-01460 in one of our production environment. It was really a cryptic kind of the error message, as my code was fairly simple, following is the modified copy of that..
create or replace package body device_data_response_pkg
procedure upsert_record(
p_device_id in number,
p_data_id in number,
p_update_request in char,
p_request_xml in varchar2
v_data_lid device_data.lineage_id%type;
v_request_xml varchar2(4000);
select lineage_id
into v_data_lid
from device_data
where id = p_data_id;
select decode(p_update_request, '1', p_request_xml, request_xml) into v_request_xml from device_data_responses where device_id = p_device_id and data_lineage_id = v_data_lid;
exception when no_data_found then
if (p_update_request = '1') then
v_request_xml := p_request_xml;
end if;
end upsert_record;
ORA-01460 was coming at the line where I am using decode, device_data_responses.request_xml was also of varchar2(4000) datatype.
select decode(p_update_request, '1', p_request_xml, request_xml) into v_request_xml from device_data_responses where device_id = p_device_id and data_lineage_id = v_data_lid;
After spending some time to debug ORA-01460 on my testing machine, I found that reason behind ORA-01460 is that I was using the p_request_xml parameter in my SQL query, and because it's was PL/SQL parameter it was defined as being the max size of a PL/SQL varchar2 which is 32767 bytes, which mismatch device_data_responses.request_xml which has length limit of 4000 characters.
As per the SQL manual about the DECODE function "The string returned is of VARCHAR2 data type and is in the same character set as the first result parameter". Here the first result parameter is p_request_xml which was varchar2 potentially with more than 4000 characters and other was device_data_responses.request_xml which has length limit of 4000 characters. So I was facing "ORA-01460 unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested"
Lets try to reproduce ORA-01460 with an simple example:
SQL> declare
2 p_request_payload varchar2(32767);
3 v_request_payload varchar2(4000);
4 begin
5 v_request_payload := 'Test String';
6 -- assiging more than 4000 chars
7 p_request_payload := lpad('n ',2500,'x') || lpad(' ',2500,'y');
8 dbms_output.put_line(length(p_request_payload));
9 select decode('0', '1', p_request_payload, v_request_payload) into v_request_payload from dual;
10 dbms_output.put_line(v_request_payload);
11 end;
12 /
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested
ORA-06512: at line 9
So keynote here is to check the length of data coming in PL/SQL varchar2 parameter before using it with other varchar2 variables/columns which have lenght limits. Otherwise it may lead you to ORA-01460.
Related Posts:
- ORA-02303: cannot drop or replace a type with type or table dependents
- ORA-01723: zero-length columns are not allowed
- ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long
- ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value errorstring
- ORA-01722: invalid number
In case you didn't know, parameters in PL/SQL have no size limitation. Therefore the compiler presumes them to be of the maximal possible size - for VARCHAR2 in your case 32767 bytes.
ReplyDeleteHow did you solve your problem?
I would have declared a variable like
v_request_xml_in VARCHAR2(4000);
and then assigned the parameter to the variable. Like this you could work with a SQL compatible value in your SELECT statement.
By Silvio Marghitola
hello !
ReplyDeleteI also encountered this problem, it has been changed to clob, and it still can’t be solved.